There is still so much that needs to be done to help those effected by the earthquake. We are doing an Amazon wishlist of items needed to be delivered to the south. Click or copy and paste the link below to see our wishlist!
We are so excited to say that despite everything right now in Haiti, some of the kids from the Village of Hope have now started dance class!
As many of you are aware, on Saturday morning, August 14, 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the south-western peninsula of Haiti. Aftershocks in the range of magnitude 5 followed. Significant tremors were felt in Port-au- Prince. Thankfully, we can report that no damage was done to any of our structures.
Sadly, many others were not so lucky. Closer to the epicenter, death, injuries, and damage are rampant. The roads and bridges are barely passable. At present it will be necessary to deliver relief materials by plane or helicopter. Trucks will be used in the days ahead. For all Haitians who experienced the earthquake of 2010, this is a traumatic replay of tragedy. As people of God, what do we do at such a time? Pray. Assess the damage. Pray. Reach out to help. And, pray some more. Many of you have reached out asking how you can help. One of the lessons learned from past times of crisis is that it is most effective to make donations through local organizations of high integrity with a track record of getting needed supplies delivered. Fondation pour les Enfants d’Haiti (FEH) has a history of trustworthiness and quick response. In hard times we want to embrace the injured. We want them to know they are not alone, that others care. FEH is ready to do this. We have emergency supplies ranging from antibiotics and IVs to hygiene products and non-perishable foods stockpiled in Port-au-Prince. Plans are being made to move what is on hand and additional items that can be purchased in Haiti. For local distribution, FEH is partnering with a personally-known, reputable mission in Camparin, a village near the epicenter. FEH is also partnering with Humedica International, a German relief organization. As soon as the Haitian government allows, a medical team will be sent to assist local doctors. Humedica worked with FEH in the past, and knows they can rely on us for local management and support. Your donation made to United States Foundation for the Children of Haiti will be put to work immediately to purchase and deliver urgently needed necessities. The Haitian people hit the hardest by the recent earthquake will know that God’s love prevails. USFCH, P.O. Box 521171, Tulsa, OK 74152-1171 Dear Friends of USFCH,
Question: What is $233,000? Answer: 1. A way to keep Hope Hospital open and operational. 2. An act of faith. 3. An investment that will lead to savings. 4. A means to use power from the sun instead of fossil fuel 5. All of the above. Municipal electricity in Haiti is at best an on-again/off-again thing, and that is a big problem when hospital equipment is dependent upon steady power. Consequently, Hope Hospital has always had one or more generators that have, in recent times, become the primary source of electricity. The generators are working overtime, and that is creating maintenance problems. Worse than that, there is a major fuel shortage in Haiti at this time. Fuel for the generators, when it is available, costs almost $5,000 per month. It is hard to say which is worse, not knowing if and when diesel fuel will be available or meeting the ever-rising cost. Rather than closing the hospital, limiting hours of service, or terminating kidney dialysis treatments, it was decided to build a solar power system. This is indeed an act of faith! But, if it weren’t for faith, much of what FEH (Fondation pour les Enfants d'Haiti) does would not happen. We have faith that God is directing our way, and we have faith that God will help us find donors who will help provide the funds. Would you be willing to contribute to paying for the solar system for the hospital? Do you know someone who might be interested in helping us pay down the loan to make this necessary improvement? A five-year loan is in place, and over that term the interest will add an additional $85,000 to the cost. Will you help us pay off the loan quickly and limit the interest expense? If you or someone you know would like more detailed information, please be in touch with us via [email protected] so we can answer any questions. Donations can be made via a PayPal link found at www.usfch.org, or by check sent to USFCH, PO Box 521171, Tulsa, OK, 74152. Please mark your gift "Solar." Together, with God and with you, we are Changing minds, Changing hearts, Changing lives! With our sincere appreciation for your faithful support, Karla Albert, President, USFCH On behalf of the members, USFCH Board of Directors Supporting: Fondation pour les Enfants d'Haiti (FEH) Donate Now We’d like to introduce one of our new staff members working for FEH: Madam Malochee Brice Icart, or known affectionately by the children as, Mommy Maloo. She is the mother of three children and travels an hour down the mountain each day to get to work. She is a dedicated, faithful and loving woman who has made a big difference in life at the Village.
As the director there, she has been a God-send. She has a very big job supervising all of the activities at the Village! This includes managing of the children, the supplies, food, clothing, etc., managing all of the House moms, supervising the children’s schoolwork, keeping track of funds, creating budgeting reports and keeping everyone getting along. She said herself, “I preview the needs, and make sure that everything is ok, and everyone is doing their job with respect of each other. And that the children have good behavior.” With 24 staff and nearly 100 children, you know she carries a big load! She says her favorite part is working with the children. Especially guiding them into better behavior choices. Her biggest challenge is managing such a big organization. She asks God to help her know how to do the right thing at the right time. She is a woman of great faith and asks us to pray for wisdom to stay in His will as she carries out her duties. She is also slowly purchasing materials to build her house, which at present is not providing adequate shelter. We appreciate that she speaks and writes in English. It makes communicating so much easier for all of us. We thank you Mommy Maloo! |
March 2024
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USFCH is a 501c3 organization, Tulsa, OK
Supporting the work of Foundation of the Children of Haiti. Serving the Children of Haiti since 1981 |
© 2024 USFCH. All Rights Reserved. PO Box 521171, Tulsa, OK 74152